The Summer solstice is almost upon us, reminding us to celebrate the nourishing light of the Sun and the light within each of us. During the Summer solstice, the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky and gives us our longest day of the year. This point marks the second phase of the Earth’s journey around the Sun, which starts with the Spring Equinox.
7:00 doors open
7:00 - 7:30 welcoming all to Embrace Life community space, prepare for meditation
7:30 -8:30 Paul Jaffe will be leading a Solstice Meditation on Light, fullness and the connection of Earth and the Cosmos.
8:30 - 9:00 Sound healing by Jim Robinson
We can stay after to have tea and conversation.
Come and enjoy this expansive, enriching and healing event.
Paul Jaffe studied intensively with masters of Zen, Tibetan Buddhism, and Insight meditation, including Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, HH Gyalwang Drukchen, and Maezumi Taizan Roshi, before beginning to study in the creative lineage of Namgyal Rinpoche and Achariya Doug Duncan in 1997.
Paul’s warm and inclusive teaching style is the fruit of the many life paths he has walked: university professor, corporate pension planner, intercultural business trainer, public speaker, life coach, healer, peace and environmental activist, husband, and father.
In 2012 he returned from 25 years in Japan. Now living in the NY metro area, Paul teaches Buddhist meditation and leads a range of workshops and retreats. He is the creator of Integrated Spiritual Coaching and the Life Re-Visioning system. These processes empower those who want to change deep patterning, move in healthy new directions and fulfill their inner and outer goals. Besides teaching in the U.S., he has taught in Japan, Russia, Spain, Canada and Mexico.
Paul holds an M.A. in Asian Studies from the University of California and did doctoral course work in Buddhist Studies at UCLA.
His publications include Flowers Fall: Penetrating Inquiries on the Shobogenzo Genjokoan (Shambhala), an annotated translation with introduction of a commentary on one of Zen’s most important texts, as well as numerous articles on Buddhism and Intercultural Communication.